*(MMSTC Student Engagement / Documentation of Process)
*(CPC-Build Team)
Schedule Calendar (Dates)
*Fabrication of cage
*Rigging Hoist
*Foundation Dig
*Foundation pour
*Windspire Installation
*Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony
Sensors technology?
Macomb Global Trade Mission?
MPSC Grant / Update? (Lead Real-World Business Contact for Grant) (Need copy of Grant to frame understanding)
Identification of Additional Technology Grant
Jim Bates narrative:
There will be the parts needed to form the re-rod cage needed for the foundation to be installed in the near future for the courtyard Windspire. We will also have to discuss the means by which the tower will be raised in the courtyard and all the dynamics involved in that process.
The actual agenda for the afternoon is to begin the Student Team centered discovery and discussions for the plan going forward for both the installation of the Winsdpire in the Courtyard and perhaps more importantly to encourage and discuss all elements encountered in the process. Leaving no stone unturned,each participant is encouraged to stretch their powers of observation and to help create a guide regading all aspects of the installation of small wind turbines. The focus of our intention is to safely and efficiently install the Windpsire. More importantly though it is important to create a guide that will pose questions in future readers and participants minds. Questions that draw them into becoming engaged in this process of discovery. I believe, that part of each team members reponsibility is to pose at least two questions that need to be addressed to more fully understand the physics of Renewable Energies. Beginning with a focus on all elements of this installation, then concentrically growing the conversation, not dissimilar to the pebble in the pond creating harmonic ripples traveling outwards that will lead to further understandings.This really is about the very foundational conversations and discovery about what the WCS Renewable Energy Institute is really about.What We will not be is "A Ship Out To Sea Without A Rudder"
1 comment:
A good beginning......
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